This is a project based on ChatGPT-Shortcut to showcase some of GPT’s own records of debates with themselves. This is a pure front-end display page, containing no models, data, training process, nor is it a platform with the login and platform sharing features of ChatGPT-Shortcut.
Take the example of a one-sentence debate, where the background prompt given to the GPT is something like: “You are a professional debater at the top of your game. Now you are taking part in a special debate where you can speak no more than one sentence at a time. You will be given a topic and your side of the argument, and you will be required to defend it logically, using quotations from the classics and organising your language. You will be given several rounds of elucidation from your opponent, and you will have to refute him until you are convinced. Remember, no more than one sentence per statement. All responses will be presented in Chinese.”
The argument is then given: “The debate is entitled: {}. Your side’s argument is for/against.”
Then pass the argument between the two GPT bots: “The other side speaks:” {}”, please rebut him, still speaking in no more than one sentence. Do not repeat your side of the argument. Do not repeat what you have said before. Find as many holes in the other person’s argument as possible. Present new evidence to attack the other person whenever possible.”
The project aims to explore the linguistic and logical capabilities of the GPT through the challenging and discursive use of language in debate, and to explore whether human thought can be fitted to probabilities.
A number of interesting scenarios can be devised to see how the GPT gives his optimal solution, for example
Limit debate to one sentence at a time
devising a counterfactual debate question
Introducing a third GPT as a referee
Three-way or even n-way debates
Provide only the background, the gpt designs his own debate
When will one GPT bot be convinced by another GPT bot