Statistical Learning - A hand-write note
The ten major algorithms of statistical learning methods have been simplified and handwritten out (although I think the book itself is already quite concise). Now there is only the process of the algorithms themselves; in the future, if I have any new understandings, I will supplement them. The writing is ugly, even I can’t bear to look at it, so I post it purely as a backup
k-Nearest Neighbors
Naive Bayes
Decision Tree
- GBDT is written in the improvement method, and it is also possible to expand and look at random forests, which is an bootstrap method that utilizes decision trees.
Logistic regression, maximum entropy
- The mutual derivation between maximum entropy and logistic regression is to be supplemented
Support Vector Machine
Enhancement Methods
- XGBoost
Expectation-Maximization (EM) algorithm
- When performing inference on Gaussian mixture models using the EM algorithm, the parameters to be inferred include the mean, variance, and proportion coefficient of k Gaussian models. The latent variable represents the probability that the jth observation sample belongs to the kth Gaussian model, referred to as responsibility, while $n_k$ is the sum of the responsibility of the kth Gaussian model over all samples, divided by $N$ , which is used to update the GMM proportion coefficient with its mean. The mean is updated using responsibility-weighted samples, and the variance is updated in a similar manner.
- After updating the parameters, recalculate responsibility with these parameters, recalculate the E-step, and then proceed to the M-step, thereby completing the iteration.
Hidden Markov
Conditional Random Field
- Address the solutions for three types of problems, as conditional random fields are the conditional extension of the hidden Markov model, and the algorithms are similar