Study Notes for CS224w

Study notes for Stanford CS224W: Machine Learning with Graphs by Jure Leskovec.

Network and Random Graph Properties

  • Degree Distribution: P(k)
    • Represents the distribution of node degrees
  • Path Length: h
    • Path: A route that can intersect itself and pass through the same edge multiple times
    • Distance: The shortest path between two points
    • Diameter: The maximum shortest path length between any two nodes in a graph
    • Average Path Length: Sum of distances divided by the number of node pairs
  • Clustering Coefficient: C

    • Measures the connectivity of a node’s neighbors: Number of edges between neighbors divided by the node’s degree:

  • Connected Components
    • The size of the largest component (giant component) is called connectivity, which is the number of nodes in the largest connected subgraph
  • Random Graph Model

    • Viewing a graph as the result of a random process, with two parameters n and p: n total nodes, with edges independently established with probability p. Clearly, these two parameters are not sufficient to uniquely determine a graph. Consider its degree distribution, path length, and clustering coefficient
    • P(k):

    • h: Olog(n)
    • C:

    • Connectivity: As p increases, the graph becomes increasingly likely to have connected subgraphs, specifically as follows:
  • Small World Model
    • Maintaining a high clustering coefficient while having a short diameter
    • How to construct such a graph? Start with a high-clustering, long-diameter graph, and introduce shortcuts:
  • Kronecker Graphs: Recursively generating large realistic graphs

Graph Features: Texture, Subgraphs, Small Graphs

  • Subgraphs, taking a three-node subgraph as an example:
  • Assuming all nodes are identical, subgraphs focus on structural features of nodes and edges. If we define a significance for each subgraph, we can construct a feature vector.
  • Defining Texture: Motifs, “recurring, significant patterns of interconnections”, i.e., small induced subgraphs that appear frequently and are more significant than expected in randomly generated networks
  • The significance of a motif can be defined by its occurrence ratio in real and random graphs:

  • RECAP Algorithm: Finding motifs in a graph
    • Based on the real graph, define a random graph with the same number of nodes, edges, and degree distribution
    • Find the significance of each subgraph in the real and corresponding random graphs. Subgraphs with high significance are motifs
  • Graphlets: Node feature vectors
    • Graphlet Definition: Connected non-isomorphic subgraphs
    • In graphlets, we inject node-level features. For three nodes, there are only two graphlets: a triangle or a line connecting three points
    • In a triangle, each node is equivalent (relative to other nodes in the graphlet)
    • In a line, the two end nodes are equivalent, and the middle node is another type
    • Graphlets are very sparse: 11,716,571 types for n=10, not counting different node types
  • Generalizing the degree concept, Graphlet Degree Vector (GDV) represents the graphlets a node touches, with each type occupying a feature and its value being the number of such graphlets touched:
  • GDV measures the local topological state of a node
  • Finding graphlets/motifs: Three types of algorithms
    • Exact Subgraph Enumeration (ESU) [Wernicke 2006]
    • Kavosh [Kashani et al. 2009]
    • Subgraph Sampling [Kashtan et al. 2004]
  • Graph Isomorphism: How to determine if two graphs are topologically equivalent?
    • Defining Roles: The function of nodes determined by structural information
    • Roles can be defined as a collection of nodes with similar positions in a network
    • Difference from communities: Nodes in the same role do not necessarily need to be directly connected or have indirect interactions, but occupy the same position in the neighborhood structure
    • Structural equivalence: Nodes are structurally equivalent if they have the same relationships to all other nodes
    • How to discover roles? ROIX algorithm
    • Recursive feature extraction: Construct base features, continuously aggregate and iterate, prune using correlation
    • Role extraction: Essentially matrix decomposition, viewing roles as latent topics. RolX uses non-negative matrix factorization for clustering, MDL for model selection, and KL divergence to measure likelihood

Spectral Clustering

  • Three-step approach
    • Preprocessing: Obtain a matrix containing the entire graph’s information
    • Decomposition: Perform eigenvalue decomposition, mapping each node to a low-dimensional embedding
    • Grouping: Cluster based on low-dimensional embedding
  • Problem Definition: Graph partition, dividing graph nodes into mutually exclusive sets
  • A good partition should maximize internal connections and minimize inter-set connections
  • Define cut(A,B) as the sum of connection weights between nodes in sets A and B
  • To consider internal connections, define vol(A) as the sum of node degrees within A
  • Conductance metric:

  • Finding a good partition is NP-hard
  • Spectral-based partitioning details omitted for brevity due to mathematical complexity
  • Spectral clustering approaches:
    • Preprocessing: Construct Laplacian matrix
    • Decomposition: Eigenvalue decomposition of L matrix
    • Grouping: Sort nodes by component values, find a split value
    • Visualization shows optimal splits correspond well to clustering
    • Two multi-class clustering methods:
      1. Iterative clustering
      2. K-class approach using k eigenvectors and k-means
    • Determine number of clusters by largest gap between k-th and (k-1)-th eigenvalues
  • Motif-based spectral clustering
    • Upgrade edge concept to motifs
    • Construct a new graph based on motifs
    • Perform spectral clustering on the new graph

Message Passing and Node Classification

  • Semi-supervised node classification in transductive learning
  • Three techniques:
    • Relational classification
    • Iterative classification
    • Belief propagation
  • Key relationships:
    • Homophily
    • Influence
    • Confounding
  • Collective classification makes Markov assumptions
  • Three approximate inference methods detailed
  • Methods include relational classification, iterative classification, and belief propagation

Graph Representation Learning

  • Unsupervised method to learn task-independent node features
  • Framework similar to word embedding
  • Similarity defined through various methods:
    • DeepWalk: Based on random walk sequences
    • node2vec: Improved random walk strategy
    • TransE: Embedding for knowledge graphs
  • Graph embedding techniques include:
    • Node-level averaging
    • Virtual node method
    • Anonymous Walk Embedding

Graph Neural Networks

  • Introduce deep neural networks for graph encoding
  • Key architectures:
    • GCN (Graph Convolutional Network)
    • GraphSage
    • Kipf GCN
    • GAT (Graph Attention Network)
  • Training techniques:
    • Preprocessing tricks
    • Adam optimization
    • ReLU activation
    • No activation in output layer
    • Add bias to each layer